Module 1 Outline
- What is biomechanics?
- Quantitative versus Qualitative Analysis
- Implementation
- Biomechanical understanding of injury
Module 2 Outline
- Stages of injury healing
- Concentric versus eccentric contractions
- Care plan development
- Finding the target heart rate
Stages of injury healing•Review of concentric vs. eccentric contractions•Care plan development •Finding the Target Heart Rate
Module 3 Outline
- Understanding scapula-humeral rythmn
- Shoulder motion
- Review of rotator cuff complex
- Shoulder arthokinematics
Module 4 Outline
- Review of rotator cuff:
- Supraspinatus
- Infraspinatus
- Teres Mionor
- Subscapularis
Module 5 Outline
- Implemanting care plans:
- ?Stable conditions
- Unstable conditions
- Programming sets and reps for each condition
- Review of clinical rehab excercises and stretches
Jesse Hodges, Jr., D.C., M.S. |
CE Hours
Each module contains a video presentation and a short quiz. You must view the video prior to taking the quiz.
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DISCLAIMER: While Palmer College of Chiropractic endeavors to bring diverse topics and viewpoints for continuing education options for Doctors of Chiropractic, the opinions of presenters do not necessarily represent the views of Palmer College.
ATTRIBUTION: This presentation contains royalty free music from